Upcoming Events

Members only historical brewery walk covering the South side of Edinburgh scheduled for Thursday 14th of Sept. see July newsletter for more details

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Newsletter No. 60

Newsletter No. 60

1. Chairman’s Statement: Welcome to the July Newsletter. The Newsletters are issued on a quarterly basis to coincide with the four seasons of the year, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Did I say Summer, looks like it is still to make an appearance, well here’s...

Newsletter No. 59

Newsletter No. 59

1. Chairman’s Statement: With Spring in the air, the SBAA are planning a number of events to be held during the year, please see Last Runnings for details. If you wish to attend any of these events, please contact Ivor our secretary to book your place so that the...

2023, Vol. 23

Contents 5) Lagering of beer: art, science, myth? Jim Murray discusses the gap between industrial and traditional lager brewing 18) Tennent's beers 1830-31 Edd Mather digs in the archives 24) Brewery water wells Bill Williamson and John Martin look at brewery water...