Membership Details
A very small number of events may attract a small cover charge, but this is usually offset in part or in whole by the provision of food and beverages.
For further details on membership please contact us by email.

UK Subscriptions
Individuals can join the SBAA for £20 per annum for which they receive all newsletters and journals, and can attend events.
If you would like to take out a UK subscription then click on the Buy Now button and choose UK for your membership:

Joint UK Subscriptions
Joint membership is also available, for two individuals at the same address, for £30 per annum (with one copy of all publications per address).
If you would like to take out a joint subscription then click on the Buy Now button and choose Joint UK for your membership:

Overseas Subscriptions
We also welcome overseas visitors, for whom the annual subscription is £25 per annum, to allow for additional postage costs.
If you would like to take out an overseas subscription then click on the Buy Now button and choose International for your membership:

Corporate Subscriptions
Corporate members can join the SBAA for a minimum subscription of £75 per annum for which they: receive three copies of the newsletters and journals for named individuals; can attend all SBAA events (and may wish to provide samples of their products); will appear in our Corporate Gallery; and can obtain guidance on archives and brewery history.
If you would like to take out a corporate subscription then click on the Buy Now button and choose Corporate for your membership:

Student Subscriptions
This category is for students and gives them access to newsletters , journals and invites to SSBA events for £5 per annum
If you would like to take out a student subscription then click on the Buy Now button and choose Student for your membership:
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