Newsletter No.39

The Tennent’s Story Experience

Wednesday 5th June 11.30am


Meeting at the entrance to The Tennents Story at the Wellpark Brewery, Glasgow. Lunch at Drygate, 1:00pm. If you would like to attend, please contact John Martin –

Thanks go to Sara for arranging the following events.

Stewart’s Mayfest


Friday 10th May 6-10pm

Meet at Born in the Borders inside Waverley Mall from 17:00 for a 17:30 departure by bus or taxi share depending on numbers.

Purchase your festival tickets directly from Stewarts:


Tempest Springfest

Saturday 18th May 12-10pm

Meet at Born in the Borders inside Waverley Mall from 10:00 for a 10:55 departure by train to Tweedbank.

Purchase your festival tickets directly from Tempest:


Cold Town House


Wednesday 3rd July 6pm

Meet at Cold Town House in the Grassmarket for drinks and food. 10% discount on all food and drink.


Barney’s Beer


Tuesday 30th July 6pm

Meet at Summerhall Reception for a brewery tour, beer tasting and stay on for food and drinks. 10% discount on food and drink ordered together. Brewery tour and beer tasting complimentary.


Stewart Brewing received yet another award, this time at the Mid & East Lothian Food & Drink Awards for Local Producer of the Year.

Steve & Jo Stewart receiving their award. 

Well done and keep it going.


Another bottle find of interest:


This bottle was discovered 4 feet under ground in Rutherglen, Glasgow by Mr. Graeme Duncan. 

The inscription on the bottle reads, 

T.Y. Paterson & Co




The bottle complete with rubber screw top is in remarkably good condition considering its age, as the brewery closed in 1936.


If anyone can provide any further information on the bottle or the brewer T.Y. Paterson, that would be useful.


Thanks to Graeme for forwarding the images to the SBAA.

Breweries in Peterhead:


One of our members is currently researching brewing in Peterhead and has forwarded two articles of which I have included an extract of both, for your interest.


Buchan Observer 1897:

As early as 1732 we find Peterhead noted for its ale.

The beer brewed in Peterhead is of a superior quality to what is found in most other places; considerable quantities were formerly exported and so great was the fame of it, that some of the taverns in Edinburgh exhibited on their signs “Peterhead Beer and Ale sold here.”

Very few of the inhabitants brew their own beer, being supplied from the Breweries of which there are two in the town and one at Inverugie about 3 miles distant.  


Peterhead Sentinel 1905:

Entering the brewery, a row of barrels standing upon the gantrees first attracted attention. The spigots had been removed and a slight froth could be seen exuding from the blow-hole on each barrel.  For weeks after the beer has been barreled the spigots have to be removed daily, till the beer exhausts the effervescence of youth and becomes “quiet”. This process is not always completed in the brewery. It sometimes goes on in the public-house cellar and the removal of the spigots is the first morning duty of a cellarman in a large establishment.


These are only extracts of a much larger write up.


Our member is researching the brewer Wm. Heslop of Peterhead and would be grateful if anyone has any other information.  


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